
History and Overview of the Ewings of Monroe Co.

The Ewings of Wolf Creek, Indian Creek, Swobe's Knob, and Turkey Creek Areas

This area pre 1770 was Augusta Co. VA, then in 1770 became Botetourt VA and in 1778 became Greenbrier Virgina until finally in 1799 became Monroe Co VA. In 1863 Monroe Co VA became Monroe Co., West Virgina as proclaimed by President Lincoln

These Ewings lived in 2 countries, 5 counties and 2 states and never moved!!


Monroe Co before 1800The following is an excerpt from William Sproull's remarkable series of articles published in the Ewing Family Journal: : 

“The Early Ewing Families of Augusta County, Virginia–Parts 1-4”

"James Ewing was an early settler of what is now Monroe County, West Virginia. He is most probably of the Scots-Irish Ewing families of Northern Ireland, but no evidence has been found proving this. He simply appeared, with full family,..."

"The arrival of James Ewing to the Monroe County area was not noted since that area was sparsely populated and beyond most governmental cognizance. The marriage of his daughter Susanna to William Sproul in Augusta County in 1773 is recorded, so the family was in the vicinity by then. His first land record there (Greenbrier County at that time) was in 1787 "by virtue of a certificate in right of settlement," meaning he established occupancy of the land some time prior to June 15, 1782.

His wife's name has not been found. But there were ten children in this James of Monroe family, all well documented in records mostly found in the Monroe County Court House in Union, West Virginia."


Child Birth/Death Spouse Place Died/Heirs WikiID FmlySearchID
125A Oliver Ewing ?/1823 None Known Monroe Co/No heirs Ewing-4018 LFQX-BLL
125B Susanna ~1755/1806 William Sproul ?/Heirs Ewing-2007 MZJ8-TCB
125C James of Nrth Mtn ?/1823 Yes Unk Augusta Co/Heirs Ewing-4015 KHDM-671
125D Fanny ~1758/bef 1818 FNU Ewing ?/Heirs Ewing-4019 LFQX-D4X
125F Sidney 1761-bef 1818 Lt James McNutt Ohio/Heirs Ewing-2899 2CY3-CP6
125G Samuel 1765/1815 Isabella McNutt Monroe Co/? Ewing-4021 KLXD-1M2
125H Joseph 1742/1822 Yes Unk Monroe Co/Heirs Ewing-4012 LFQX-67P
125J John ?/bef 1818 Sarah Davis ?/Heirs Ewing-4022 LFQX-6NG
125K Wm "Turkey Bill" 1745/bef 1818 None Known Monroe Co/No? Ewing-4017 L8PF-RSM
125L Jean Jennett ?/1830 Matthew Patterson ?/No Heirs-will Ewing-4023 LFQX-6RB



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